Thoughts and Feelings Questionnaire
Thoughts and Feelings Questionnaire
In 2016, we invited participants to complete a questionnaire about various aspects of mental health. The results of this questionnaire are enabling important research into the lifestyle and genetic determinants of different aspects of mental health and its effects on other health outcomes.
This questionnaire is no longer available to complete via the participant website, but all participants will be invited to complete a new mental well-being questionnaire covering similar issues in Autumn 2022.
If you have concerns about any of the issues covered in the questionnaire, we have listed potential sources of support.
Sources of support
If you feel you need any further help with the issues in this questionnaire, we recommend talking it through with someone you trust, including your GP.
You can find out more about mental health and illness from MIND (
If you are very upset or do not feel safe, please contact someone as soon as possible. The Samaritans can be contacted on Freephone 116 123, or email Alternatively, please visit
For support with specific issues, further information is available from: (sexual violence) (other crime and violence) (alcohol) (information for military veterans) (information for emergency service personnel)

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