Your genetics around the world
Your genetics around the world
International research using your de-identified genetic data, along with imaging scans and information about your health, is leading to important discoveries - and here's just a few.

Tailoring measurements of heart health
Institute: University of Leicester (UK)
Findings: This research explored how heart structure and function varies between White European and South Asian participants. For example, the researchers found differences in the mass and wall thickness of people’s left heart chambers between the two ethnicities. The findings emphasise that measures of heart health should be tailored to people’s sex and ethnicity.

Exposing the impact of air pollution
Institute: Nanjing Medical University (China)
Findings: This study examined links between long-term air pollution exposure and high blood pressure (hypertension) risk. Exposure to specific particles was associated with a 40% increased risk of hypertension. This association was stronger in individuals at a high genetic risk of hypertension. The study emphasises the need for further policies to improve air quality.

Understanding the true risk of breast cancer
Institute: University of Exeter (UK)
Findings: Researchers found that females who carry the BRCA2 and BRCA1 gene variants exhibit less than 20% risk of breast cancer. This is much lower than the high risk (60-80%) reported with previous clinical studies. The risk increases to 24% (BRCA2) and 45% (BRCA1) if an individual has a close relative with the disease. The study highlights the importance of performing research in the general population to obtain more accurate risks of future disease.

Mimicking Protective genes
Biotechnology Company: Regeneron (USA)
Findings: Scientists identified several rare genetic variants which protect against obesity. Individuals with these variants were half as likely to be obese as those without. Mimicking the effects of these protective variants in therapies could help people with obesity to manage their disease.

Developing personalised treatment plans
Institute: Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center (Turkey)
Current research: Scientists are exploring how genetic variation affects the risk of developing life-threatening complications of type 2 diabetes, such as kidney failure or stroke. The aim of the research is to help individualise treatment regimens for those with type 2 diabetes and better manage the risks of its complications.
Last updated