Food preferences questionnaire
Food Preferences Questionnaire
In 2019, we invited participants to complete our questionnaire on food preferences. This questionnaire was paused during the COVID-19 pandemic, but is now ‘live’ again on the participant website for you to complete if you have not done so already.
An individual’s food preference (i.e. what you ‘like’ to eat) is the most important factor when choosing ‘what’ you eat. Knowledge about which foods you like or do not like is helping us to gain a deeper understanding of genetic and environmental factors influencing food preferences and how they are associated with health. This may help to inform the design of new approaches to help people lead healthier lives.
As always, the responses to this questionnaire are confidential and will only be used for health-related research that is in the public interest.
You can also log on to the participant section of the website using your PID and personal details to complete this questionnaire if you have not shared your email address with UK Biobank, or if you missed the email. You can complete this questionnaire on a desktop computer or mobile device, whatever is easiest for you.
If you have questions or need help, please call our Participant Resource Centre on 0800 0 276 276 free of charge, Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, or send us an email to
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