To decode the mystery of longevity
Principal Investigator:
Professor Junxia Min
Approved Research ID:
Approval date:
July 3rd 2019
Lay summary
It is widely reported that 25% of the differences for healthspan among population can be explained by the genetic factors with the 75% reasons for environmental factors or their interactions. Incorporating with the data from ukbiobank , we aim to find the genetic compositions attributing to longevity both shared by different ethnicities and those specific for them. For the specificity , environmental factors or other factors which will enhance specific gene's functions toward the increased or decreased probability of lengthening lifespan will be taken into consideration which also will be helpful to explain for the underlying mechanisms and to fine-tune the personal habits. In the perspective of disease which will affect the human being's lifespan substantially such as CVD ,stroke , diabetes , neurodegenerative diseases , cancer , COPD, genetic factors of those with longevity will be discussed to explain , to make the appropriate intervention and to extend the susceptible population's life time. For the loci not associated with any disease, it can be considered as protective factors which may be useful for extending the healthspan in therapeutic implications for the general population. Project Duration: Jun,2018 - Mar,2020 Public health impact: Genetic loci associated with longevity will be discovered and validated with more statistical power. With the extension of huge genetic data from ukbiobank , rare mutations associated with longevity may be found to better reveal the underlying mechanisms. Protective genetical factors may have the general population implications in a therapeutic way. Similiar to the precision medical , toward the aim of living longer and living better , personalized interventions for living , eating and behavioral habits could be adjusted according to the principles of gene-environmental interactions discovered especially with the decreasing cost of personal genome sequencing.