Approved Research
Selection of disease risk genes and construction of disease prediction model based on TWAS and sc-RNA data: Take colon cancer for example
Principal Investigator: Professor Fangrong Yan
Approved Research ID: 94184
Approval date: May 12th 2023
Approved Research ID: 94184
Approval date: May 12th 2023
Lay summary
Aims: This study aims to find the causal gens which are hypothesized to be oncogenes with the help of Mendelian Randomization method.
Scientific rationale: Mendelian Randomization is a form of statistical method that makes causal inference between exposure and outcome. In this study, the exposure is gene expression and the outcome is colon cancer.
Project duration: Estimated duration of this project is expected to be 3 years.
Public health impact: These putative causal oncogenes can be the priorities in the drug research and development, and provide new insights into the treatment of colon cancer.