Identifying a risk factors for AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration) disease development based on retinal OCT features, Genetic and Environmental risk factors in the UK Biobank cohort.
Principal Investigator:
Mr Srini Goverdhan
Approved Research ID:
Approval date:
January 2nd 2015
Lay summary
Dry AMD is the commonest cause of blindness with over 90% cases. In its advanced stages, dry AMD leads to a centrally blinding condition called geographic atrophy (GA). Intermediate dry AMD patients when diagnosed early can also benefit from starting oral anti-oxidant therapy. The proposed research aims to model risk factors for AMD development. Prediction of early AMD development based on genetic, diet, lifestyle, BMI, smoking and refractive error status could lead to new information from this large UK AMD cohort. Identifying modifiable risk factors and stratification of AMD risk should lead to improved clinical outcomes. There is gap in knowledge regarding causative dietary/environmental risk factors, genetic variants and refractive status of an individual in relation to risk for AMD development. The UK Biobank is a large unique national epidemiological database of UK participants and can provide data to answer the proposed research in identifying AMD risk factors in this study. Risk factors for development of AMD in UK Biobank participants with self-reported AMD at baseline and on OCT assessments will be assessed. Based on specific identifiable AMD features on OCT imaging, other environmental factors and AMD genotype of the individual if available; a clinical predictive risk profile for early AMD will be developed. Selectively identifying at-risk patients for early treatment (Anti-oxidants in dry AMD and possibly anti-angiogenic treatments in wet AMD) will reduce the overall AMD blindness and help focus NHS resources. Epidemiological and OCT data from Biobank participants with AMD and age matched controls will be included (n=1317).