Identification of SNPs for Urinary Bladder Cancer
Principal Investigator:
Miss Anke Wesselius
Approved Research ID:
Approval date:
December 10th 2019
Lay summary
Urinary bladder cancer is the fourth most prevalent cancer in men. It also affects females. In 2019, the American Cancer Society (ACS) predicted that around 80,470 people will receive a diagnosis of urinary bladder cancer and 17,670 will die from it in the United States. The cause of urinary bladder cancer remains largely unknown, but genetic variations might play an essential role. Previous researches already identified numerous DNA changes involved in the development of urinary bladder cancer. However, evidence is still limited. Therefore, we aim to identify new genetic variations associated with urinary bladder cancer risk, by using both a classical analytic method and a novel analytic approach. The project is set to last for until September 2022. New discoveries may be further used to help us to better predict and thereby prevent the development of urinary bladder cancer. Not only will this result in a better quality of life for many individuals but also reduce health care costs.