How Does Physical Activity Differ Between the Healthy Population, Patients with Knee Pain, and Patients after Knee Replacement?
Principal Investigator:
Mr Scott Small
Approved Research ID:
Approval date:
May 29th 2019
Lay summary
This research project will compare the levels of physical activity between healthy patients with no recent or knee pain, to patients with knee pain, and patients who how had a knee replacement surgery. The goal of this project is to determine the difference in activity levels between these three populations groups. Many previous researchers have conducted studies investigating how well patients move and how physically active they are prior to, and following knee replacement surgery. However, there is no consensus as to the appropriate and most effective ways to categorize and track patient mobility. Most clinical practices use patient questionnaires to determine if a knee replacement procedure was effective and successful. However, these questionnaires many times lack the ability to accurately reflect if a person is moving well and has returned to participation in the activities they feel are most important. The current study will help determine if physical activity monitoring, through a wrist-worn device, can provide direction as to how best to bring physical activity into the fold as a consideration in determining whether or not a knee replacement surgery was successful. Furthermore, this study will enable researchers and clinicians to establish target levels of physical activity the knee replacement patients should be able to perform if they have had a successful operation.