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Future data release timelines

New and updated data (release V19)

The below data will be available to all UK Biobank researchers the week of 31 March 2025, accessible only via the UK Biobank Research Analysis Platform.


Data type

New/updated data


Questionnaire data

Sleep questionnaire


Data for approximately 180,000 participants from our sleep questionnaire, exploring sleep behaviour, patterns and quality, as well as contributing factors and consequences of poor sleep. See Category 205.

Updates to fluid intelligence data


Corrected scores and counts for questions attempted within the time limit for both online and touchscreen versions of the fluid intelligence questionnaire.
Updated fields: 20016, 20191, 20128, 20192.

Imaging data

Brain image and imaging-derived phenotypes update


Derived tabular and image outputs: Updates for approximately 15,000 participants are provided in Category 508 for derived tabular and image outputs from the UK Biobank brain imaging pipeline.

Cortical surface mapping: Task and resting state MRI data are now mapped to the structure of the cortical surface for over 63,000 datasets. This mapping supplements the volumetric-based derivations currently available, providing a more accurate functional correspondence of brain regions between participants. This is provided in Category 198.

Release of carotid ultrasound images in more accessible format


All carotid ultrasound images (approx. 80,000 participants) converted to a more accessible .mat format in Field 20241.

Genetic data

Polygenic risk score update 2024


Version 2 of polygenic risk scores for 28 diseases and 25 quantitative traits in Category 300.

DRAGEN population VCFs


Updated machine-learning corrected VCF data (pVCF) for all 500,000 participants, improving genome data accuracy, in Field 24311.



New PLINK2 format genetic data for all 500,000 participants in Field 24308, derived from the updated pVCF released in Field 24311.



New BGEN format genetic data for all 500,000 participants in Field 24309, derived from the updated pVCF released in Field 24311.

Whole genome sequencing (WGS) sample visit collection


Updated quality control (QC) data for WGS, specifying which visit the sequenced sample was collected from, in Category 187. Note that the values within the QC fields themselves remain unchanged.

Healthcare records


Death data for England, Scotland and Wales


Updated death records for England, Scotland, and Wales in Category 100093 and the associated record-level tables.



Environmental data


Updated location at assessment (coordinates and small-area fields)


Updated data on participants' residential locations at time of assessment, with standardised geocoding methods, new location data for recent assessments, and added census area information for follow-up visits.

Residential location data: Address history 


Older fields for home location history in Category 150 replaced to correct inaccuracies. We strongly advise researchers to request the new fields and update your pipelines accordingly. The older fields will be retired at the next release. More details here

Physical measurements

VO2max during exercise


VO2max estimates (per kg bodyweight) from personalised exercise tests for 80,000 participants in Category 267.

Biomarker data

Integrated herpes viruses


Data on inherited chromosomally-integrated human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) for all 500,000 participants in Category 268.

OMOP common data model

Restriction of OMOP data tables


Restriction of the OMOP derivation dataset due to quality issues identified by research groups. Researchers can still request access by contacting the Access team. Please review this article beforehand.

We are looking into the demand for converting UK Biobank data into common data models, such as OMOP, to make them more accessible and useful for researchers. Complete this short survey to share your thoughts and help guide our efforts.

Invitation data

Invitation dates for online questionnaires


New data fields added for invitation dates to complete the following online questionnaires: digestive health, experience of pain, food preferences, mental health, and work environment.

Assessment centre invitation dates and responses will also be updated to include data for participants who attended the first repeat assessment visit (2012-13)

UK Biobank Clinic Data


Tabular and bulk


Fields under Category 100000, including brain, cardiac, and abdominal MRI DICOM images are being updated with datasets for an additional 13,000 participants. This category also includes data for cognitive function fields, the verbal interview, physical measures (including ECG), and raw OCT and retinal fundus data.

Fix to dates at imaging assessment 


We have identified a technical error which caused a small number of imaging assessment dates (<100 records) to be recorded incorrectly.

Error corrected and a fix implemented to prevent reoccurrence. Fields derived from assessment date (month of assessment and age at assessment) have also been corrected. See Category 100024


Other data, anticipated late 2025

Calico 2024 IDP update

Update to fields in Category 158.

Olink batch 7 & 8 data

Additional Olink assay data for 2,000 participants with samples taken pre- and post-COVID-19 at UK Biobank imaging visits, plus controls.

Cancer data (Wales, 2017 onwards)

An update to Welsh cancer data to include missing data from 2017 onwards.

Last updated